
Thousands of pet owners look for resources on pet care, proper training, or local breeders. Some would even like to connect with other pet owners to set up playdates. However, there is not one central location for this to occur. The creation of Pets 'n Paws aims to do just that. The application gives users information on local resources, the ability to set up playdates or even find a good home if they must surrender their pet. The application will provide information on other users such as the type of pet they have, the breed, how long they’ve owned the pet, and their general location. The application will act as a mobile “community room” where pet lovers can meet and discuss various topics. 


When this application was first created, I was in my first class of graduate school. Once I realized what I wanted to create, I researched a few pet applications and websites. To better understand my target audience (pet owners, pet enthusiasts, pet experts, and those looking to adopt a pet), a questionnaire was created and administered to 15 participants. These users ranged from those who are pet owners to those that are currently seeking to adopt a pet. This uncovered features that potential users wished to see in the application. After analyzing the responses and reviewing similar products, I had a great understanding of the necessary capabilities the application should have. I then began sketching out ideas. 

Using, I created a fully functioning prototype (version 1 images). Four participants were asked to complete a series of tasks that tested the usability of the application.  Further, these users agreed to participate in an interview to discuss possible improvements and overall, reflect on their user experience.  


I learned many things through the usability test and interviews. One major concern regarded the background image of the application. Three out of four participants stated that the background image greatly hindered their experience and made it difficult to complete tasks. Another issue users found was inconsistency with buttons. Half of the users said that they could not tell the difference between buttons and images. 

After completing my Master's went back and had another look at this application. Taking the feedback from participants as well as my knowledge from graduate school, I recreated key areas of the application. These changes are illustrated in the version 2 images. Some of the key changes are a less distracting background, menu/navigation options, and clearly defined buttons.



Welcome page v. 1

Welcome page v. 2


foRUMS v. 1


Profile Page Sketch

Profile Page v. 1

Profile Page v. 2